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Text File
311 lines
File: HIEditText.idl
Contains: IDL interface for the HIEditText class
Version: Technology: 8.0
Release: Universal Interfaces 3.0d3 on Copland DR1
Copyright: © 1995-1996 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Bugs?: If you find a problem with this file, send the file and version
information (from above) and the problem description to:
Internet: apple.bugs@applelink.apple.com
#ifndef __TBEDITTEXT_IDL__
#define __TBEDITTEXT_IDL__
#include <Types.idl>
#include <TextEngineSystem.idl>
#include <TextEngineTypes.idl>
#include <HIPanels.idl>
interface HIEditText : HIPanel {
// ======================================================
// Initialization
// ======================================================
OSStatus InitEditTextPanel (in ::RefLabel identifier, in HIWindow window,
in Rect bounds,in TextEngineID textEngine , in TextEngineOptions textEngineOptions );
OSStatus GetTextEngine(out TSystemTextEngine theEngine);
// ======================================================
// Attribute Getter/Setter
// ======================================================
boolean IsTextReadOnly() ;
OSStatus MakeTextReadOnly(in boolean readOnly);
//valid only when text is read only
OSStatus EnableSelection(in boolean enableIt);
//always true if Text is not read only
boolean IsTextSelectable() ;
boolean IsTextMaskable() ;
// ======================================================
// Text Bounds and margins
// ======================================================
// setting bounds where the text flows
// the value kTextUnbounded means that text has no fixed boundary
//line breaks only on CR. (variable wifth or height) .
//kUseViewBounds means that the boundary of text flow is the panel bound
OSStatus SetTextBounds( in UInt32 width, in UInt32 height );
OSStatus GetTextBounds( out UInt32 width, out UInt32 height );
//the viewRect for the text is always the panel rect unless you specify
// margins ( offset to add to left top and remove from bottom right)
OSStatus SetMargins( in Rect marginOffsets );
OSStatus GetMargins( out Rect marginOffsets );
// all routines that take index as input param assume that it is aligned on character boundaries
//do we need to change the type from ByteOffset to CharacterOffsetInBytes ??
// ======================================================
// Text insertion/deletion/replacement
// ======================================================
OSStatus ReplaceTextByTextObject(in ByteOffset startIndex, in ByteOffset endIndex, in TextObject theText );
// replace the specified range (inclusive) by the given TextObject
// if the range to be deleted has unique language/region/encoding and the TextObject is mono-Run
// with the same language/region/encoding as the deleted range than the inserted text will inherit
// the same attribute else new style run(s) will be created with the suitable attributes
//special version of RepalceTextByTextObject to replace the selected text
OSStatus RepalceSelectionByTextObject(in TextObject theText);
OSStatus DeleteText(in ByteOffset startIndex, in ByteOffset endIndex) ;
// detete the given range of text
OSStatus ExtractText( in ByteOffset startIndex, in ByteOffset endIndex ,out TextObject newTextObject );
// ======================================================
//Required attributes to be handled in each text panel
// ======================================================
OSStatus SetTextFont(in ByteOffset startIndex, in ByteOffset endIndex, in Str255 fontName) ;
OSStatus SetTextSize(in ByteOffset startIndex, in ByteOffset endIndex, in UInt16 textSize ) ;
OSStatus SetTextQDFace(in ByteOffset startIndex, in ByteOffset endIndex,
in TextFontFace theQDFace,in boolean switchIt) ;
OSStatus SetTextColor(in ByteOffset startIndex, in ByteOffset endIndex, in RGBColor theColor) ;
OSStatus SetTextAlignment(in ByteOffset startIndex, in ByteOffset endIndex, in TextAlignment align) ;
// all engines should support text Justification for the whole text, but range justification is optional
//if the engine does not support selection alignement and the startIndex & endIndex do not specify the
//whole text than an error txFeatureNotSupported will be issued.
OSStatus GetTextFont(in ByteOffset startIndex, in ByteOffset endIndex, out Str255 fontName) ;
//empty string if multifont
OSStatus GetTextSize(in ByteOffset startIndex, in ByteOffset endIndex, out UInt16 textSize ) ;
// 0 if multiSize
OSStatus GetTextQDFace(in ByteOffset startIndex, in ByteOffset endIndex,
out TextFontFace theQDFace) ;
OSStatus GetTextColor(in ByteOffset startIndex, in ByteOffset endIndex, out RGBColor theColor) ;
OSStatus GetTextAlignment(in ByteOffset startIndex, in ByteOffset endIndex, out TextAlignment align) ;
// given one attribute set it value
//this is a low level API for getting & setting one attribute
OSStatus SetOneTextAttribute( in ByteOffset startIndex, in ByteOffset endIndex,
in TextAttributeTag theAttribute,
in void* theValuePtr, in ByteCount theValueSize);
// Caller should allocate the data size (we assume that he knows the type of the value
//he is asking for.
OSStatus GetOneTextAttribute( in ByteOffset startIndex, in ByteOffset endIndex,
in TextAttributeTag theAttribute,
in ByteCount theAvailableSize,
out void* theValuePtr,
out ByteCount theValueSize );
// ======================================================
// Text Drawing enable/Disable
// ======================================================
OSStatus EnableDrawText();
OSStatus DisableDrawText();
boolean IsDrawTextEnabled();
// ======================================================
// dirty flag manipulation
// ======================================================
OSStatus SetDirtyFlag();
OSStatus ResetDirtyFlag();
boolean IsPanelDirty();
// ======================================================
// selection manipulation
// ======================================================
OSStatus GetSelection( out ByteOffset startIndex, out ByteOffset endIndex );
OSStatus SetSelection( in ByteOffset startIndex, in ByteOffset endIndex );
OSStatus RevealText( in ByteOffset startIndex, in ByteOffset endIndex, in boolean revealBegin );
// ======================================================
// iteration routines are mapped to the engine iterators
// so this is just a set of wrapper routines
// They are kind of low level routines and almost all apps
// ======================================================
OSStatus CreateTextAttributeIterator( in ByteOffset startIndex, in ByteOffset endIndex,
in Collection textAttributeFilterCollection,
out TextAttributeIteratorRef iterationRef );
// Create a Text Attribute iterator for the specified text range.
// The application specifies the attributes of interest in a collection whose...
// 1. 'tags' are the attribute identifiers
// 2. 'collectionUser0Bit'of attribute if set specifies "wild card" value.
// 3. 'data' portion is value to match during iteration (if not wild card iteration).
// The resulting iterator will allow the application to iterate over the text range, and identify
// portions of the text which match (in value) the attributes specified in the original collection,
// and/or iterate over different attribute runs for those attributes for which "wild card" is specified.
// The default iterator (nil collection) will iterate on every attribute change
//caller owns the Collection
OSStatus TextAttrIteratorGetNextRange( in TextAttributeIteratorRef iterationRef,
out ByteOffset startIndex, out ByteOffset endIndex,
in Collection textAttrCollection );
OSStatus DisposeTextAttrIterator(in TextAttributeIteratorRef theIterator);
OSStatus SetTheTextAttribute( in ByteOffset startIndex, in ByteOffset endIndex,
in Collection textAttrCollection);
// For every attribute in the filter collection specified, set the attributes of the text Range to
// the values specified in the collection.
OSStatus GetContinuousTextAttribute( in ByteOffset startIndex, in ByteOffset endIndex,
in Collection textAttrCollection );
// Return all the attributes which are continuous over the specified text range. Attributes which
// are not continuous over the text range are not included in the collection returned.
// UI commmand
OSStatus EnableUICommandInPanel();
OSStatus DisableUICommandInPanel();
boolean IsUICommandEnabledInPanel();
// KeyBoard
OSStatus KeyboardLanguageChanged(in LocaleIdentifier theLocaleID); // what params ??
// Scrolling text
OSStatus ScrollText(in UInt32 dh, in UInt32 dv) ;
OSStatus GetScrollTextAmount(out UInt32 dh, out UInt32 dv) ;
// routine for tracking mouse down so caller can update scroll bar controls
// when click in text occurs the routine will be called with a pointer to the TBEditTExt
//the scrolled values and the userData specified here.
//The scrolling of the text will be already done.
OSStatus SetMouseDownTrackActionRoutine(in MouseDownInTextPanelTrackProcPtr theMouseTrackProcPtr, in void* userData) ;
implementation {
// ======================================================
// Attributes
// ======================================================
//need getter for all and setter for non readonly
passthru C_h = "#include <Types.h>"
"#include <Collections.h>"
"#include <Drag.h>"
"#include <Events.h>"
"#include <Quickdraw.h>"
"#include <TextObjects.h>"
"#include <TextEngineTypes.h>"
"#include <TextEngineSystem.h>"
"#include <TextCommon.h>"
"#include <MixedMode.h>" ;
passthru C_xh = "#include <Types.h>"
"#include <Collections.h>"
"#include <Drag.h>"
"#include <Events.h>"
"#include <Quickdraw.h>"
"#include <TextObjects.h>"
"#include <TextCommon.h>"
"#include <TextEngineTypes.h>"
"#include <TextEngineSystem.h>"
"#include <TextCommon.h>"
"#include <MixedMode.h>";
releaseorder: InitEditTextPanel ,
GetTextEngine ,
IsTextReadOnly ,
IsTextSelectable ,
IsTextMaskable ,
MakeTextReadOnly ,
EnableSelection ,
SetTextBounds ,
SetMargins ,
ReplaceTextByTextObject ,
RepalceSelectionByTextObject ,
DeleteText ,
ExtractText ,
SetTextFont ,
SetTextSize ,
SetTextQDFace ,
SetTextColor ,
SetTextAlignment ,
GetTextFont ,
GetTextSize ,
GetTextQDFace ,
GetTextColor ,
GetTextAlignment ,
SetOneTextAttribute ,
GetOneTextAttribute ,
reserved0 ,
reserved1 ,
reserved2 ,
GetSelection ,
SetSelection ,
RevealText ,
CreateTextAttributeIterator ,
TextAttrIteratorGetNextRange ,
DisposeTextAttrIterator ,
SetTheTextAttribute ,
GetContinuousTextAttribute ,
KeyboardLanguageChanged ,
ScrollText ,
SetMouseDownTrackActionRoutine ;